Tinkatolli Version 0.168 – The dirt is gone!

Hey tinkas!

Today, Tinkatolli updated to 0.168. They made a change. There’s no more dirt on junk when it’s in the ground! Take a look.

I mean, I can see why they did it (now it’s harder to find items, especially hidden Trader items), but I disagree with this update. I like dirt! 😀 In fact, Paul will go on strike. Weatherman on strike! Now you tinkas won’t have the weather. Be warned, this is just phase 1!

Okay, okay, don’t worry, Paul isn’t going to go on strike, or do anything else crazy, but I do the junk having dirt better. Heh. (This is one of those times where I don’t like an update on Tinkatolli. Viva la resistance!)


New Makeable – MagicalSwing!

Hey tinkas!

We gotta have more makeables. So, there’s another! Presenting…. *drumroll…. again….* THE MAGICALSWING! 😀

I REALLY like this one!! I think it’s the most creative. 😀 Let’s see what you need!

You’ll need 50 TinkaPoints, 12 paperclips, 2 pieces of string, 6 popsicle sticks, and 2 yellow wires! The string is brand new, so this makes this makeable rare!


New Makeable – Loki Chair!

Hey tinkas!

Today, Tinkatolli released a new item. PRESENTING… (drumroll please)…. THE LOKI CHAIR! 😀

To make it, you need 4 matches, 2 toothpicks, 1 goat cheese container, and 50 TinkaPoints!

This is the first chair from the Make-A-Makeable contest. Which chair are you looking forward to? 😀



We’re back! (I hope)

Hey tinkas!

Hey, would you look at this, I’M POSTING. Surprise!! We’re back. Again. And this time, I’ll try to post for more than 2 months without a break! (third time’s a charm!)

Posts coming your way… soon.


P.S. I hope you like the new header. TEEHEE.

TinkaTolli – Beta 1.06 + Sneak Peek!

Heya Tinkas!

Recently, Tinkatolli updated the game to 1.06, which brought many new features to awe over! Let us go all googly-eyed, and say “oooooooh” at all these new features! Ready??


A5, you officially have the best house ever. EVER.

First, as you can see, when you click on someone’s playercard, you can now look inside their house! :O Spectacular!

Yet again, a5, you amaze me.

Next, when you go into someone’s scrapbook, you can see how many seeds and TinkaPoints they have! Cool beans, eh?

WOW, a5 is so amazing!!

BUT WAIT, you can do all this while they are online… or while they are offline!!! SO INTENSE.

Okay, I'm not kidding. Look at a5!! WOW.

Oh, and now, you can see exactly how many buddies you have. (The maximum is 100, by the way.) Yahoo!

Okay, I couldn't put a5 into this one, but just remember, he is awesome.

Finally, we have some AWESOME new makeables, made by kids, just like us! I absolutely LOVE how Tinkatolli takes our ideas, and makes them into real items in-game! 😀

I bet a5 helps you get your password back. Since, you know, he is THAT awesome.


Wait, I forgot. If you forget your password now, you can easily get it back! Yay!

Well, Tinkas, those are all of the new updates. But, speaking of updates, there is something AWESOME coming soon to Tinkatolli Times, and all I can say is Paul (my tinka) and Gubber (Guitar’s tinka) are going to be involved. Here’s a little sneak peek:

Well, a5 isn't at all related to this picture. Sorry. D:

Hmm, any detective tinkas think they can figure it out? 😀
